My favorite things about being a mom...
Going into his room after he's just woken up... he gets so exctited to see me, with a huge smile he starts laughing and waving his arms and legs. Then when I pick him up he gives me a huge hug while trying to eat my face:)
When he reaches for me to hold him
Rocking him to sleep
Sneaking into his room to give him a good night kiss after he's a sleep
Coming home from work and seeing how excited he gets to see me
Taking baths
Kissing his ever growing cheeks
When he wants me instead of dad (hehe)
and everything else:)
Check out those cute cheeks:)
Daddys little Hiker
This is Kael in the backpack on the way up to timpanogus cave. This was our last summer outting
My Happy Boy!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
So Kael won't roll over...
I started getting worried that my now 6 1/2 month old isn't rolling over about a month ago when according to my book this should be a mastered skill by now. Kael hates "tummy time" he can be in the best mood ever and you set him on his tummy put all the toys he owns in front of him and he will bury his head in the floor and cry in defeat. He is sitting up now with the occasional topple over. We place him on the floor and put pillows all around him, he loves this new perspective of the world. I bought him some blocks and shapes but his new favorite toy is my phone, the remote, my keys or my sunglasses. I buy these expensive toys and he'd rather play with the box or anything else that's not a toy.
Well we went to Mamie's this weekend (that is my moms house) lets just say that apparently at 6 months he is no longer amused for 3 hours by rattles, songs and staring at the back seat of the car. I thought the ride there was just a fluke seeing how he as always slept 2hrs and 15 min of the 3 hour trip. But nope he slept 15min of the ride there and 45min of the ride home. I spent the other 5 hours singing, jingling rattles and finding one of the 3 Binky's he had and putting them back in his mouth all with my non driving hand. We stopped a total of 5 times, 1 poopy diaper, 2 feeding breaks later the weekend is over and we are never going to Mamies without daddy again:) The time we spent there was fun, we stayed up till 2 am decorating 70 stocking for my brother Beau's eagle project. Then Saturday we went to Nana Fae's Halloween party. Kael was a the cutest chunky little monkey, I got his costume at children's place and he's is honestly so cute in it, I just want to put him in it on a regular basis just because of how cute he is. We'll spent Halloween at his other grandma's house so he'll have another chance to wear it again soon...Happy Halloween!
I started getting worried that my now 6 1/2 month old isn't rolling over about a month ago when according to my book this should be a mastered skill by now. Kael hates "tummy time" he can be in the best mood ever and you set him on his tummy put all the toys he owns in front of him and he will bury his head in the floor and cry in defeat. He is sitting up now with the occasional topple over. We place him on the floor and put pillows all around him, he loves this new perspective of the world. I bought him some blocks and shapes but his new favorite toy is my phone, the remote, my keys or my sunglasses. I buy these expensive toys and he'd rather play with the box or anything else that's not a toy.
Well we went to Mamie's this weekend (that is my moms house) lets just say that apparently at 6 months he is no longer amused for 3 hours by rattles, songs and staring at the back seat of the car. I thought the ride there was just a fluke seeing how he as always slept 2hrs and 15 min of the 3 hour trip. But nope he slept 15min of the ride there and 45min of the ride home. I spent the other 5 hours singing, jingling rattles and finding one of the 3 Binky's he had and putting them back in his mouth all with my non driving hand. We stopped a total of 5 times, 1 poopy diaper, 2 feeding breaks later the weekend is over and we are never going to Mamies without daddy again:) The time we spent there was fun, we stayed up till 2 am decorating 70 stocking for my brother Beau's eagle project. Then Saturday we went to Nana Fae's Halloween party. Kael was a the cutest chunky little monkey, I got his costume at children's place and he's is honestly so cute in it, I just want to put him in it on a regular basis just because of how cute he is. We'll spent Halloween at his other grandma's house so he'll have another chance to wear it again soon...Happy Halloween!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
New steps
I love being a mom, and my little bug definately makes it a lot easier. He is so sweet and happy all the time, he constantly smiles and laughs and is such a trooper. He puts up with and adapts to my crazy work schedule, changing babysitters, sleeping patterns and all while dealing with two sharp bottom teeth that appeared last week! He's chomping on everything he can get his hands on...including mom (I may not be breastfeeding much longer:) His toungue rarely stays in his mouth lately, i think he likes the sensation of this new discovery and he constantly has a wet shirt from all the slobber. He hates tummy time...the minute a place him on his tummy he crys and lifts his head for a minute then lays there face down defeated so upset. He has rolled from his belly to back once, but lately I can't get him to stay on his tummy long enough to figure it out again. Perhaps he'll learn to walk instead of crawl first like his daddy...any suggestions? We bought our high chair last week, and yes Kael started eating cereal last month...he LOVES IT!!!!!! And that makes the nights and days I work a lot easier since he began rejecting the bottle a few months a go. Dad has even over fed a few times..he practically eats it till it's half way up his esophagus (maybe thats why he's 16 pounds). He gets real upset if you wait too long between bits and even tries to help out by grabbing your hands and pulling them towards his mouth. This boy just really loves his any form:) He is also sleeping in his own room these days, this was a really hard one for me and I had a lot of anxiety over just having him in the next room "what if I don't hear him, he gets the blanket over his head, or the baby monitor stops working" etc.
the first night was rough and I had the monitor turned up so loud I could actually hear him breathing. I have settled down a bit and he naps and sleeps in his "big boy" room without any inccident. (Iv'e also turned the monitor down) Am I crazy or is this normal "first mom anxiety"
Anyway a lot of accomplishments this month for what feels like my little bity tiny boy still, but somehow despite his mothers begs and pleeds he is growing...and way too fast, but I am loving every minute of it.
the first night was rough and I had the monitor turned up so loud I could actually hear him breathing. I have settled down a bit and he naps and sleeps in his "big boy" room without any inccident. (Iv'e also turned the monitor down) Am I crazy or is this normal "first mom anxiety"
Anyway a lot of accomplishments this month for what feels like my little bity tiny boy still, but somehow despite his mothers begs and pleeds he is growing...and way too fast, but I am loving every minute of it.
Friday, July 31, 2009's been too long
Well, it's definately been too long since I've posted so since it's a reletivly slow night here in the ER (I better not say that too loud) I thought I better jot a bit down.
So my little guy is not so little anymore. He is now almost 15lbs!!! Crazy, he's also standing lately and he's so proud of himself, he puffs his chest out, teeders a little a lets out a big confident smile:) He is really the best baby ever. He cries when he's hungry and tired and other than that he smiles laughs and loves to hear his own voice (squeel). He enjoys sucking his fists, has recently discovered his toes and his binki, he can succesfully pull it out of his mouth...but hasn't quite got the putting back in part down yet. He had his first camping trip over the 24th of july, we spent 3 nights in Kamas (a little town past heber) we swam in the creek...or floated really. Enjoyed camp fires, and lots of family.
I love being a mom, I really wasn't sure how about the whole idea when I first got pregnant but it truely is the best job ever. If only I could stop working my real one. Cass is still job hunting, but has had some promising prospects lately so were keeping our fingers crossed.
So my little guy is not so little anymore. He is now almost 15lbs!!! Crazy, he's also standing lately and he's so proud of himself, he puffs his chest out, teeders a little a lets out a big confident smile:) He is really the best baby ever. He cries when he's hungry and tired and other than that he smiles laughs and loves to hear his own voice (squeel). He enjoys sucking his fists, has recently discovered his toes and his binki, he can succesfully pull it out of his mouth...but hasn't quite got the putting back in part down yet. He had his first camping trip over the 24th of july, we spent 3 nights in Kamas (a little town past heber) we swam in the creek...or floated really. Enjoyed camp fires, and lots of family.
I love being a mom, I really wasn't sure how about the whole idea when I first got pregnant but it truely is the best job ever. If only I could stop working my real one. Cass is still job hunting, but has had some promising prospects lately so were keeping our fingers crossed.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Its a BOY! Kael Cassidy Lewis
WOW our little boy is finally here! 2 weeks ago today our lives changed forever. He is wonderful, beautiful and perfect in every way. He wieghed 8lbs 14oz and 21 inches long, so he's actually our BIG little boy. He has tons of long dark hair (more than his dad :) and I'm in love with all his little features, toes hands etc. He eats sleeps and poops alot and Its amazing how fast time is going by, it makes me sad that he is already growing so much. Everything with his delivery (thankfully) went exactly as planned and with the help from Cass and my nurse midwife I was able to labor and deliver naturally. I spent most of the time in the tub and rocking chair and 9 hours later he was here! I think after the whole thing Kael is going to be an only child (haha). It was an incredible experience and such a growing opportunity for me and Cass's relationship. It amazing after going through it all how much my heart has grown with love for Cass and this new little person. I'm so grateful for my family, and find myself singing families are fovever with a whole new perspective.
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Around the camp fire
A few hours old
A little sleep deprived :)